Wonderful Words From Jackie French, Here for the WORD Christchurch Writers & Readers’s Festival
Jackie French is one of the many wonderful writers scheduled to appear at the WORD Christchurch Writers & Readers’s Festival from 27-31 August.
Christchurch Libraries are currently featuring 3 questions — and their answers — from festival guests. This is part of what Ms French had to say in response to the question: “What do you think about libraries?”
“Have you ever wondered why we whisper in libraries? It’s because we know subconsciously that they lead to a million different universes. Use the power well – and borrow as many books as you can — and you will find joy and fulfilment and friendship and fascination. But libraries are places of true power, none the less …”
I am now more keen than ever to hear Ms French speak during her feature event:
Jackie French, Saturday 30, 10-11 am
To read her full answers to all three of the library’s questions, click on:
Jackie French: WORD Christchurch Writers & Readers’s Festival
You might like to check out what some of the other guest authors have to say as well, under:
This is one awesome blog post. Keep writing.
Thanks, John–I almost certainly shall. 😉