An Epic Christmas: On The Sixth Day…
On the sixth day of Christmas my true Muse sent to me…
Six Emerian Oakwarders
‘Girvase nodded. “That’s why we get sent there—to learn to know the power that protects Emer from hidden evils.” He shrugged. “The Oakward is always based where Emer’s need is greatest.” …
Carick’s hand tingled with the memory of power blazing through it like fire as the gates slammed closed, and Malisande’s words echoed again in his head: Surely you didn’t think the Oakward was really a myth? … Erron, Manan, Solaan: he listed the names to himself. Herun and the smith, Welun—and then, understanding—Lord Falk himself.’
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost, The Wall of Night Book Two: Chapter 22 — The Hill Fort