What’s Happening This Week: the Supernatural Underground — & MOAR!
Happy Monday, dear “… on Anything, Really” readers — if the juxtaposition of “happy” with “Monday” is not an oxymoron… But even if it is, there’s plenty happening this week.
Supernatural Underground:
Starting with my 1 November post on the Supernatural Underground, which features the full UK cover — the front, spine, and rear cover views, plus updated backcover text. And I’ve included an excerpt, too.
With publication day only three months away now, on 26 January 2016, you may expect more excerpts and book-related features to come. As the saying goes, watch this space.
Meanwhile, to check out the full cover look, click on:
From the UK With Love …
And if you entered our Supernatural Underground Halloween book giveaway, the result is here:
The Power of 13; We Have Giveaway Winners
The Return Of Big Worlds On Small Screens:
Rebecca Fisher has gotten out of the study woods and will be resuming normal service with Big Worlds on Small Screens this Wednesday — where I have it on good authority she’ll be checking out Marchlands.
I know quite a few of you have been eagerly awaiting the end of Rebecca’s recess, so stay tuned for Wednesday. 🙂
A Summer Convention in Spokane — June Young Reports On Sasquan, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon)
June Young and I both attended the 68th Worldcon held in Melbourne in 2010 — the first World Science Fiction Convention for both of us. So when June told me that she and her partner, Simon, would be heading to the 73rd convention, Sasquan, in Spokane, I put in a special request for a report back on June’s Worldcon experience.
I’m not sure how many “…on Anything Really” readers are aware that there was a fair bit of controversy associated with this year’s Con, surrounding nomination and voting for the Hugo Awards. But the subject has been so very thoroughly canvassed on the interwebs that June and I felt that her article should report on something different. So we agreed that it would focus on June’s personal experience of the Con (established shorthand for a Science Fiction-Fantasy convention), as one NZ fan attending her second Worldcon — and “first ever” SFF convention in the summer months.
I think June’s post will give you a really good firsthand account of a major convention and the sort of events on offer for those willing to travel to the far side of the world. (And yes, George RR Martin of A Games of Thrones fame was there.)
June’s post will be up on Friday, so if you don’t visit again before that, do check back then.