Just Arrived: “Angel Of Storms” by Trudi Canavan
I do love it when a weighty, book-shaped parcel arrives with a thump in my post office box.
And then there’s the fun of deploying the craft knife on the cardboard wrapping until the book is revealed — and this week, it’s Angel of Storms, the second novel in Trudi Canavan’s latest series, Millenium’s Rule.
I love the cover, too, it’s eerie and atmospheric, and speaks to me as a reader of both mystery and the storms of the title.
My TBR table is getting a little overloaded again, I have to say — but as is my wont with “Just Arrived’s”, here’s what the backcover has to tell us:
“Tyen is teaching mechanical magic at a school respected throughout the worlds. News arrives that the formidable ruler of all worlds, long believed to be dead, is back and enforcing his old laws – including the one forbidding schools of magic. As teachers and students flee, Tyen is left with no home and no purpose… except the promise he made to Vella, the sorcerer imprisoned in a book. Tyen must decide what he is willing to do to free her.
After five years among the tapestry weavers of Schpeta, Rielle’s peaceful new life has been shattered by a local war. As defeat looms, the powerful Angel of Storms appears and invites Rielle to join the artisans of his celestial realm. But what will he require in return for this extraordinary offer?”
This definitely sounds like a book where you have to read the first-in-series before embarking on it.
But meanwhile, you can read an early review here: