Artefacts of the Writing Life #1: Pen and Paper
Over the next few weeks, as we all ease into the holiday season and maybe even the new year, I thought I’d share a few artefacts* of the writing life.
First up, the pen.
And, of course, paper.
The two go together like…er…well.. “pen and paper”! ๐
Seriously, though, I couldna do without my pen and paper when it comes to wrangling nuances of plot and character.
There’s a creative magic, too, about pen, ink, and the blank page of possibility…
In terms of artefacts of my writing life, pen and paper are definitely primus optimus maximus — first, best and greatest! ๐
*Artefact: "a functional or decorative human-made object."
I agree! And that’s a very nice pen you have there.
It’s a pen with a story, too — perhaps I shall tell it in another post… ๐