On Anything, Really: What’s Coming Up
If you checked in last week, you’ll already know that I’ve signaled a “Heroes in Fantasy” post theme for 2022 on the Supernatural Underground. So if you’re interested, do check in on February 1 to see what I do with the topic.
You will also have seen my WALL #4 update — and no question at all: that’s my upfront-and-centre focus for 2022.
In terms of “…on Anything, Really” I pretty much aim to keep going as I have over the past few years, with a focus on the writing life, all things genre, reading “all sorts and conditions” of books, and anything really (ha!–did you see what I did there? 😉 ) that otherwise takes my fancy.
For the immediate future, what appeals to my blogging fancy is having another look at worldbuilding. I’ve posted a reasonable amount on this topic before, so the starting point may be a review.
I do have a specific question to address, though, which came from a series’ reader and relates to an aspect of the worldbuilding in The Gathering of the Lost in particular. I asked the reader if I could address the question here and they said yes, so-o… A few posts on worldbuilding, here we come—“probably” starting next Monday. 😀
Otherwise, I have no particular blogging plans at present, beyond steady-as-she-goes, but will always herald something new before it happens (as much as possible, anyway.)
On we go: full steam ahead into 2022!