A Writing Quote From Phyllis Theroux
“Writing is a bit like swimming in the ocean. You have to get beyond the wave line into the depths. But the fear of not getting back to the shore; of drifting out to sea, can make the swimmer/writer panic.”
~ Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper
This quote definitely resonated, the first time I read it — although I also thought, and still do, that it applies to any endeavor that takes us beyond what, until then, have been our life’s norms and safety barriers. Creative endeavours, yes, but also starting a business, or training for an endurance event, or embarking on an overseas trip to somewhere that not necessarily ‘just like home.’
For The Wall Of Night series readers, I should have an update for you this Thursday 27, or failing that, next Monday 1 May.
In the meantime, whatever you’re embarked upon this week, I hope your endeavours are crowned with success.