Q&A Thursdays #13: Ashley’s Question
Over the past year, I’ve been reprising a Daughter of Blood (and by extension The Wall Of Night) Q&A series that featured in 2019.
Today’s question came from Ashley, who asked about how, or whether, the Christchurch earthquakes influenced the writing of the books. A very pertinent question, I think.
Ashley: You were writing Daughter of Blood during the Christchurch earthquakes. Did they influence the story in any way?
I began writing Daughter during the period of the earthquakes themselves, which extended from September 2010 through until December 2011, with the last big earthquake on 23 December of that month (although aftershocks always continue for a period afterward, but that’s the generally accepted endpoint of the major events.) Mostly, though, I would say the book was written during the period of initial aftermath when everything was still in devastation mode and generally at at sixes-and-sevens for a long time. The insurance and rebuild phase had momentum by the time I finished in early 2014 but really only kicked off for me at the end of that year. That period, which continued for me until 2017, was also hugely disruptive, just in a different way—but any influence would be on WALL #4 (The Chaos Gate) rather than Daughter.
As for whether the earthquakes and the initial aftermath period had an influence on the story of Daughter of Blood, as opposed to the writing process, I find it really hard to point to any direct correlation. However, the Wall of Night story is about people under pressure, in circumstances that are often traumatic, so having “lived” that (albeit in a particular circumstance—i.e.natural disaster—that is not reflected in the book), it may help the characters responses to feel more authentic. One point I made in an Australian interview, though (after The Gathering of the Lost was published), was that it may be years before the full effects of the earthquakes are known, so may also take a more objective observer, looking back, to identify influences in my writing.
Previous Thursday Q&A Refeatures:
March 31 — #1 Phoebe’s Question on Book Planning
April 21 — #2 Sam’s Question on Deleted Scenes
April 28 — #3 Sandy’s Question on Characters That Take Charge
May 19 — #4 Lindsay’s Question on Research
June 23 — #5 Chris’s Question on Tirael & “What Would Have Happened If…”
June 30 — #6 Rosie’s Question on the Web of Mayanne
September 8 — #7 Jason’s Question on Weapons & Names
October 6 — #8 Robin’s Question on Tuckerization Characters
November 24 — #9 Josh’s Question on Whether I Have A Favourite Moment in Daughter of Blood
December 15 — #10 Shannon’s Question re Sections or Characters that were Hard to Write
March 30 — #11 Jenny’s Question re Inspiration and Keeping Going
May 18 — #12 Tom’s Question re Food and Feasts