New On Supernatural Underground Now: The Year of the Villain #2 & Earthsea
Yep, it really is that time again, despite the bonus of a leap day. So-o on March 1, I posted the second in my The Year of the Villain in Fantasy series on Supernatural Underground.
Last month, I delved into the pantheon of villains in JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Seminal stuff, I know — but so, too, (imho) is the treatment of evil and villainy in Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea.
As noted in the post, I regard “both as hugely influential on the genre, but also profoundly different in terms of how their books work.”
To find out why, and take a closer look at the villains of Earthsea, click on:
The Year of the Villain #2: Ursula Le Guin & Earthsea
Let me know what you think — especially if you think there’s a treatment of villainy that departs from the Tolkien or Le Guin models. Since it’s impossible to read every book one’s ownself, yanno… 😉