Over the Edge: Book Interview, Plus …
Over the Edge Interview
I have a new interview featured at Over the Edge, with a The Heir of Night giveaway opportunity as well, which will run until 31 October, so time yet to enter the draw. Also, I’ll be dropping by from time to time, so if you have questions about Heir or WALL2 (The Gathering of the Lost) it’s a good opportunity to ask them.
The Heir of Night F-SF Guest Author Series—& Competition(s)
The F-SF Guest Author series is now all done, which is sad because there have been some great posts—but the positive is that I’ll be back on deck with the blogging and hope to have some interesting topics for you … Of course, first up I’ll be calling on the Sorting Hat to determine which lucky commenter during the course of the series will get to give their name to a character in WALL2. So watch this space, but I am optimistic that the Sorting Hat will have done its thing and we will have—ta-da-dum!—a winning name for you by Saturday at the latest. (But it may even be as early as tomorrow, so stay tuned … )
You’ll recall that I also offered to give away a copy of Thornspell to anyone who could work out the “numerical literary style” used in Anne Hamilton’s guest post. We have a suggested answer, which is currently awaiting Anne’s verdict, but if she comes back with the “thumbs down” then I shall simply ask the Sorting Hat to “choose again” amongst all those who commented during the course of the series and give the Thornspell copy away as a secondary prize.
And you can still read all the F-SF Guest Author posts here, if you’ve missed any or just want to re-read one you particularly enjoyed.
Aimee Salter: Writing A Winning Query
While the FSF Guest Author series has been running here on ” … Anything, Really” fellow SpecFicNZ member, Aimee Salter, has been featuring her Writing A Winning Query series on putting together successful pitch letters, either to literary agents or publishers. I initially said ‘yes’ to contributing my pitch letter to Writers’ House Literary Agency—only to discover that it has disappeared through a wormhole in space-time! So instead, I set out what I consider to be the fundamental rules-of-thumb for going about getting an agent/publisher—with a few tips from Robin, my agent, thrown in. Anyway, if you’re interested in pitching, or just want better insight into the world of “being-a-writer”, you can check it out here.
Hi Helen,
Just had to let you know the University Book Shop here in Dunedin had The Heir of Night prominently displayed on their new NZ books stand, right by the door so everyone who walks in the store sees it. I love that they support NZ authors so well. Best wishes, Vanda
Thanks for letting me know that, Vanda–yes, it is always good to see support for NZ books, as well as to see your own book out there ‘in the wild.’ 🙂