Update—Plus “Just Arrived”
I said yesterday that I’d let you know whether I got the section of the Great Revision that I’ve been working on completed yesterday—and I did! Although I was just feeling all smug at about 3.30 pm and thinking, “today went pretty smoothly” when I remembered: uh-oh, there’s a prologue too. Several hours again later …
But today is pretty much down for the ‘big day off’, although I am going to write an update for my editor, just so she knows that it’s not all smoke and mirrors—I really am doing stuff here! I may be inside my “black hole” right now, but it’s still good to get the occasional signal out beyond the event horizon. 🙂
And for the “just arrived”—that’s Cassandra Clare’s City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instrument Series, Book 4.) And because I’m feeling a bit—well, not to put to fine a point on it, knackered—by the Great Revision, it’s great to have a good amount of lead time to read it properly ahead of my radio interview with Ms Clare on the 19th.
Ooh, it sounds like the revisions are going well 🙂 And you’re meeting Cassandra Clare? Meep! That’s all kinds of awesome! I hope you enjoyed your day off (and actually took a day off!)
Not ‘meeting’ in person–interviewing via the ‘telling-bone’, fittingly perhaps since she shall be in Australia, I in NZ. But I’m looking forward to the interview all the same.:)
And yes, over than the email past the event horizon, I did take the day off. And very good it was too.