I Wrap Up The Blog Tour
Well, it’s been a month—with The Gathering of the Lost published in the USA, Australia and New Zealand on 27 March and in the UK on 5 April, plus four weeks of associated Blog Tour.
The Tour has been a huge amount of fun, but may I say in the immortal phrasing of Willow from the Buffy TV series: “Tired now!”
But here, to both recap and finally wrap up, is the complete list of Tour stops, each one with a link to the relevant guest blog post or interview:
27 Mar: (aka “Kick-off!”)
- SF Signal — Guest post ‘Celebrating Epic Fantasy and Publication of The Gathering of the Lost‘
- Orbit — Guest post ‘Celebrating The Gathering of the Lost And The Power of Environment.’
- 29 March: Big Idea on John Scalzi’s Whatever (US & international) — Guest post on ‘The Gathering of the Lost & Friendship’
- 30 March: Trent Jamieson — Guest post “Romance vs Reality: War & Conflict in Epic Fantasy and ‘The Gathering of the Lost’”
- 1 April: Supernatural Underground – “R is for Romance in “The Gathering of the Lost”
- 2 April:
- Civilian Reader – An interview with Stefan Fergus
- Galactic Chat – A podcast interview with Sean Wright
- 5 April: Gillian Polack (AU) Guest post on “Historical Influences on THE WALL OF NIGHT Series and The Gathering of the Lost “
- 7 April: Chronicles of the Tree (NZ) – An interview with Mary Victoria
- 9 April:ismellsheep (US) – An interview with Sharon Stogner & Katie Dalton
- 11 April: Orbit – I interview fellow author, Ian Irvine
- 13 April: The Shared Desk (Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris) – Guest post on ‘Love of Adventure: The Crossover Between Steampunk Tales & Epic Stories”
- 16 April: Kim Falconer interviews Malian of Night on the Supernatural Underground
- 18 April: Orbit – I am interviewed by Ian Irvine
- 19 April: ‘She Writes the Night’ – an interview with John R. Fultz
- 21 April: Mur Lafferty – Guest post on ‘Writing Strong Women in FSF & The Wall of Night Series’
- 24 April: Kate Elliott – Guest post on ‘Building Fantastic Worlds—“It’s A Mystery”’
So there you have it—the complete Tour. I think, given all that, we may safely say that The Gathering of the Lost is well and truly launched!
I hope you’ve had fun with it—I know I have. 🙂