An Aotearoa Affair: Frankfurt 2012 & “A View From Here”—The 5th Blog Carnival Goes Live
This week is Frankfurt Book Festival week, and the 5th and final Aotearoa at Frankfurt Blog Carnival has now posted, here.
There’s a fabulous line up of contributions from New Zealand and Germany, as well as a sprinkling of international writers, including:
Trish Nicholson, Beate Jones, Paula Green, Siri Embla, Gus Simonovic, Christopher Allen, Gill Hoffs, Andrew Bell, Marcus Speh, Piet Nieuwland, Leanne Radokjovich, Frances Mountier, Hinemoana Baker, Lesley Marshall, Rae Roadley, Helen Lowe, Karen Tribbe, Vaughan Gunson, Cecelia Wyatt and Maureen Sudlow — and indirectly for their particpation in the September 20 Pecha Kucha event in Whangarei: Julian Reid, Tamara Roscoe, Robin Grotke, Ian-John Hutchinson, Abha Iyengar, Kulpreet Yadav, Vivian Prescott, Dušan Nešković, Jaypee Belarmino, Rose Hunter, Hilary Derrick, Aaron Edwards, Walter Bjorkman , Adam Newman, Kara Dodson, Axelle Faur and Kokkai Ng.
Seriously, very well worth a look!
And yes, I am in there with my series of four perspectives on “A View from Here”—from the microcosm of the view from my study, moving outward to Christchurch, then New Zealand, and finally the lens of my writing.
And if you want to stay in touch with the Frankfurt Book Fair itself, which is starting today, the site is here.
Finally, my warmest appreciation to both Michelle Elvy and Dorothee Lang as editors of the Blog Carnival, for their oversight of five such wonderful editions.