I Guest Post on “The Power of Names”
Recently, I was delighted to receive an invitation from book blogger and reviewer Abhinav Jain to participate in a guest author series on “Names: A New Perspective.”
To elaborate: “The topic is how the names of characters and places and other things within their novels (and other works where appropriate) fit into their setting, their relevance and their power.”
My post, titled “The Power of Names”, is featured now and you can check it out Here.
One of the exciting things about the series from my point-of-view is that it comprises new or debut Fantasy authors, so it is a chance to find out more about some of the new kids on the SFF block and get a feel for what their stories are about.
As host, Abhinav is also posting his reviews of each guest author’s books, as well as his thoughts on each of our perspectives on “names”, which I feel adds further interest to the series.
And as always, comments on the post and/or topic are always very welcome. 😉
To date, the series comprises the following posts (click on the title to read):
- Myke Cole (Control Point — military SFF): “The Significance of Names”
- Chris Holm (Dead Harvest & The Wrong Goodbye — urban fantasy/crime): “The Devil’s in the Details”
- Kim Curran (Shift — Young Adult SFF): “Names Are Fun”
- Teresa Frohock ( Miserere: An Autumn Tale — Fantasy): “A Game of Names”