Tis the Season for Award Nominations: New Zealand’s Sir Julius Vogel Awards
On Tuesday, I posted on the Hugo Awards, sparked by RedditFantasy’s list of eligible books, here. And yes, The Gathering of the Lost is eligible, so very exciting to see it on the Reddit list!
But the Hugos are not the only awards open for nomination right now. On November the 5th last year I posted (no, not on gunpowder, treason & plot, though I probably “should” have done!) “About the Sir Julius Vogel Awards” — New Zealand’s science fiction and fantasy awards, which are given annually by SFFANZ.
The nomination period is open from 1 January to 31 March 2013 and anyone may nominate — I posted last year on the Sir Julius Vogel Award nomination process, which is well worth a look if you’re thinking about nominating.
Most importantly, you probably want to check SFFANZ’s list of eligible works for the novel categories. SpecFicNZ often puts up a list of eligible works by its members as well, so keep an eye on their site for that. It also pays to check the Award rules, as they do occasionally change from year to year: Sir Julius Vogel Awards — Rules & Criteria. Plus there’s an FAQ on How To Nominate.
Eligible (ie published in 2012) books on the SFFANZ list I’ve featured here on the blog include:
- Fredrik Brounéus: The Prince Of Soul And The Lighthouse
- Adam Christopher for Seven Wonders; you can also read my interview with Adam here
- Rachael King: Red Rocks
- Juliet Marillier for Shadowfell; you can also read my interview with Juliet here.
as well as The Gathering of the Lost of course—yes, I did feature my own book on my own blog: surprise! 😉
I also read other books by NZ authors, but unfortunately none of them are eligible for this year, alas. 🙁
So what are you all waiting for: get in there and get nominating—you know you really can! 😀