On The Supernatural Underground Today: Celebrating May Day & Summer’s Eve In “The Gathering Of The Lost”
The 1st of the month (US time) is my regular guest post day on the Supernatural Underground—and last month you’ll recall I celebrated Great Fantasy Courtships (a popular post, judging by the hits 🙂 )
Since 1 May is is also May Day I’m celebrating by discussing the overlaps between that and “Summer’s Eve” in The Gathering Of The Lost, as follows:
“In The Gathering Of The Lost, the second novel in my The Wall of Night series, the equivalent festival is called “Summer’s Eve” and is “always held on the first new moon of summer.”
To read more — or even all about it 😉 — click on the post title, following:
Celebrating May Day & Summer’s Eve In “The Gathering Of The Lost”
Have fun!