Ignatz, 1992-2013
A week ago, I had to bid farewell to Ignatz, my little cat buddy of 21 years. Needless to say, after so many years he has left a huge gap.
I first introduced Ignatz here on January 19, 2011, in a post titled: “And here’s the cat.” In that post I told the story of Ignatz’s arrival in my life, 21 years ago, and also how he got his name — I feel it’s worth a read, if you have the time.
The second feature was in June 20, 2011: In Which I Have Been Remiss…
I posted another photo of Ignatz earlier this year, on April 1: Here’s Another Photo of My Cat…
Anyway, I’ve been thinking this week about the character of Ignatz, aka Iggy, The Igster, The Germ, Pignatz (he did like his food, in fact one friend liked to say that he had “a thin ‘feed me’ face on a huge ‘I’ve been fed’ body” 😉 ) and here are a few of the words and phrases I came up with:
- valiant
- determined
- loyal
- loving to his “peeps” (but)
- shy of strangers
- a scrapper
- long-lived (clearly!)
- cute as a button
- greedy 😉
In fact, I would like to borrow a few words from a poem I penned for another friend, long ago, for his epitaph:
There is no praise I could say more of you than true:
true heart, true friend, greatly beloved.
And greatly missed.
Farewell, little cat buddy; good bye, Ignatz the Cat: haere ra, haere ra, haere ra.
I’m sorry to hear this. 21 years might be forever for a cat, but it’s not long at all for the humans the cat owns.
To be honest, it feels like a fair amount of water has passed under the human bridge as well: have changed cities twice, survived the year of 10,000 earthquakes, and gotten seriously into writing, plus a few other things besides! So Iggy was part of a great deal in that sense… And you are right, 21 years of so excellent and admirable a cat is not nearly long enough.
So very sorry. Wishing you the comfort of happy memories in your time of sadness.
Thank you, Sarah–I appreciate the thought.
Oh, I’m so sorry, Helen. It’s terribly hard to lose your boy after so long. He was very lucky to have such a happy life with you 🙂
Thank you, Wen.
I’m so sorry, Helen
Thanks, Paul.
Am so sorry to hear about Ignatz passing. I know he was very family and a ‘familiar.’
Yes indeed-y: 21 years equates with both ‘family’ & ‘familiar.’ 😉
Dear Helen
Love to you as you make yet another adjustment. . . You and Ignatz shared a significant chapter of life together. How much we learn from the animals who come to share their lives with us.
Gently as you go.
Thank you, Claire–it has been a significant chapter and you’re right, after such a period it’s a definite adjustment.