The Sir Julius Vogel Award 2014 For Services To Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror
New Zealand’s Sir Julius Vogel Awards were announced at a ceremony in Auckland on the evening of Saturday 26 April and I was delighted to receive the award for Services to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
Unfortunately I was not able to attend the ceremony, but if I had been, this is the acceptance speech I would have given:
“I was both moved and honored to learn that I had been nominated for the Sir Julius Vogel Award for services to NZ science fiction, fantasy and horror – and pleased, too, that others in the community see what I do as making a positive contribution. In part, as I said on my blog earlier this month, because I have also always subscribed to the philosophy of Prince Peter Kropotkin in his book Mutual Aid, that as human beings we advance at least as much via cooperation and collaboration as competition. And also subscribed to the hope that, to quote from the Bob Dylan song Forever Young:
“May you always do for others
And let others do for you.”
The other reasons, is because I believe that by honouring and supporting others and their work, we honour the muse and the genre – and I love the genre and always have.
Being nominated for this award therefore, was a great honour. Being awarded it via your votes is an even greater accolade, for which I thank you from my heart – and say:
“Let’s keep doing our best to support each other’s endeavours and ensure the genre we all love continues to sing in the world.”
So again, a very sincere thank you to everyone who nominated me in the first instance and for all those who thought my service to speculative fiction worthy of their vote.
You can read the official announcement of the Sir Julius Vogel Awards 2014 by clicking on the following link:
My warmest congratulations to all those who received awards, but also to all those on the shortlists.
Congratulations, Helen! So well-deserved!
Mighty achievement my friend. Well done. Not sure about the services to Horror bit though. Gave me a bit of a giggle. Much celebration and job well done pleasure to you.
Congratulations. Well deserved indeed.
Congratulations on winning this. Yes – it is very well-deserved.
As a reader, I appreciate the fairly current information on new genre books and authors provided on this blog.
Whoop whoop… awesome stuff Helen.. congratulations!!!!!!
Kind regards
Thank you so much, everyone: I certainly hope to “keep on, keeping on” with what I’ve been doing to date.
Yay yay yay! So well deserved and appreciated… 😀
I was so happy to see this. It’s wonderful to see care for other people and work for the good of a community publicly appreciated.
Mary, Gillian: fellow writers like you two make keeping the specfic writing faith easy-aisy. 😉
Congratulations – and ditto to the above – so well deserved!