More Changes On The Blog
On Thursday I posted on the imminent 4th birthday of my “…on Anything, Really” blog, which falls on 31 May, and my proposal to dial back on the posting commitment from every day to 3-4 days a week — 4 days initially while the “A Geography Of Haarth” series is running, with the possibility of reducing to 3 after that.
Mainly I plan to see how it all goes. 😉
But in any case, the change will take effect from 1 June. After four years it’s in the nature of a large-ish change, but there are a few small changes I’d like to draw to your attention as well.
Until now, I have archived news about my books and writing progress under “My Books” and “What I’m Doing” on the far right sidebar of the blog front page, under “Categories.” But both have ended rather a long way down the list of “Categories”, so to make things a little easier I’ve renamed them as:
“About My Books” and
“About What I’m Doing”
This puts them at 2nd and 3rd place respectively on the “Categories” masthead, so I hope that will make it a little easier for you to find status updates on those topics. 🙂