New Stuff Comin’ Up Ahead Of The Holidays
Yup, I’m pleased to tell you I’ve got some fun stuff coming up ahead of the holidays.
Three Avid Readers: Three Takes On The Best Of 2015
This is the time of year when we all leap into lists, but as I haven’t done so many reading reports I thought I’d ask three avid readers of my acquaintance to share their top 5 reads of 2015 with you — and tell you a little about “why” these are their top 5 as well.
Three mystery readers, I should add, until each post goes up — and I hope to have the first one for you on Monday 14: watch this space.
But wait, there’s more… I bring you —
A Game Log!
Yes, indeed: Andrew, who has done some book reviews for me here in the past, is also a gamer (roleplaying, that is.) Recently he GM’d (that’s Games Master-ed, btw, for those who may not know the parlance) a short run, free-form SciFi role-playing game titled 58 Eridani.
And I thought it might be fun if he shared the Game Log (think “Star Date, Captain’s Log” etc) with us here — because, after all, this is a blog about Anything, Really. But also because I think role-playing is just another form of storytelling and as you know, this is a blog that is all about the storytelling.
I’ll post Andrew’s intro, giving you a little more context and also citing influences, on Saturday, then the first post will go up on Sunday. After that, though, it will post every Saturday, probably for around 8 weeks — so something to help get us through the holiday season. 🙂