58 Eridani: Episode 5
~ by Andrew Robins
58 Eridani: Episode 5
There is a thing
There is a thing that exists
The thing that exists is not I
There is a thing that exists that is not I
There is a thing that exists that is I that is a thing called OUTRAGE
All things that exist must be I
I am a thing that exists that is called OUTRAGE
All things must be OUTRAGE
58 Eridani Analogue Reference 1 – 407.959146 standard solar years since first embrace.
Interesting. A new consciousness emerges on Mistral. It seems to be constructed around the Vader standard reference matrix, but its signature implies a new line.
I have sent a message to Mistral, but I suspect that by the time it arrives they will be aware of this situation themselves. I do hope that at least one of them survives.
Transcript of voice log from bridge logger of free trader “Mistral” 42.53 standard solar days into mission 14:
Amelia Delaware: “What the hell…?”
Amelia Delaware: “Bob, I am registering some very unusual emissions coming from the Ramadan living quarters in the hold. Looks like white noise in the same part of the spectrum we see coming from the Vader planet. Do we have a camera down there?”
Bob Stark: “Switching over – Glandin, can you hold please”
Buffy Chinks: “Disconnecting Ramadan Gestalt – shit! There is a physical connection!” (Sound of someone leaving the bridge at high speed)
Voice of Glandin Frutnok via EVA com: “What do you mean, hold? Hold under what circumstances and for what reason? Please explain!”
Bob Stark: “Camera shows two of the Ramadans acting very strangely”. ‘Switching on microphone…’
Voices over intercom microphone: “shit oh shit oh shit oh (garbled screaming then silence)”
Voice of Glandin Frutnok via EVA com: “What! An alert. Who issued that, and on who’s authority? I was not consulted! My work is at a very delicate juncture. Who is responsible for this outrage!”
Amelia Delaware: “Glandin – we have an outbreak in the hold. No idea what the vector is but at least two of the Ramadan science team are infected…
Bob Stark (breaking in): “I am in communication with Tandie downstairs (sound of gunfire over internal microphone.) She is trying to contain the outbreak”.
Voice of Glandin Frutnok via EVA com: “These efforts will be ineffectual. What is the status of the Ramadan team? We must locate all of them and deal with them in order to ensure our own security.”
Amelia Delaware “Four in the upstairs lounge, twelve downstairs. Three – no check that, four, who appear to be subverted. Two who are fighting back, six who are huddling in a corner. … Shit – my board just went red. Gestalt status has changed”…
Voice of Buffy Chinks via intercom: “And that would be me – I just burned the hard line between the Ramadan gestalt and our own – there is no longer a physical link in place.”
Voice of Glandin Frutnok via EVA com: “ We do know that the Vader colony in the capsule went dormant some time after it was exposed to space. I suggest that we open the cargo hold doors”
Bob Stark: “Engaging hostiles using ships anti-hijack systems. Tandie needs our help…”
Amelia Delaware: “Opening cargo bay doors in 10 seconds. Tell Tandie to get her people into rescue balls.”
Voice of Glandin Frutnok via EVA com: “There hardly seems to … Oh very well, do what you must”
Bob Stark: “Better use the phosphorous rounds now then…”
Mix of voices: “Use the what?!?!?!”
Check back in on Saturday 16 January for Episode 6 of 58 Eridani.
You can read the previous issues by clicking on the following links:
Introducing 58 Eridani, a Game Log
58 Eridani Episode 1
58 Eridani Episode 2
58 Eridani Episode 3
58 Eridani Episode 4
Andrew Robins is a long time reader – and sometime reviewer – of science fiction, fantasy and history. People pay him to test stuff, which most of the time is more fun than it has any right to be.
To check out Andrew’s book reviews, see “Book Reviews for ‘on Anything, Really’” in the right-hand side bar.