So What’s Happening: Celebrating Publication of “The Gathering of the Lost”
With publication of The Gathering of the Lost, The Wall of Night Book Two just four (4!) days away in the USA, Australia and New Zealand, and thirteen in the UK, I thought it was high time to start talking about what I’m going to do to celebrate the big release.
Firstly, I’m actually going to have a real-time book launch at the University Book Shop on the evening of Tuesday 3 March. I didn’t have a launch for The Heir of Night because the first of the major Canterbury earthquakes, the 7.0 on September 4, had just happened and with the city so devastated trying to organise a launch event just didn’t seem appropriate. I did have two blog parties (one for the USA and one for the UK/Aus/NZ) and they were both a lot of fun, but this time, after 18 months of earthquakes, a real-time celebration feels like absolutely the right thing to be doing. And as the current Ursula Bethell writer-in-residence at the university, holding the launch on campus also seems like the right thing to do.
(UBS have the launch up on their Facebook site so it would be wonderful if all you FB folk felt you could “like” it here. 🙂 )
But of course I am aware that the bulk of my readers and followers do not reside in Christchurch NZ (And am quite sure, too, given the earthquakes, that many of you are adding a ‘thank goodness’ to that last remark, a sentiment I fully appreciate!) So I shall be having a blog party on both the 27th and the 5th—but you will have to bide a wee yet to find out my nefarious plans for celebratory goodness around that … maybe even until tomorrow, or the day after that! But there ‘could’ be a grand book giveaway and—just possibly—another competition for a reader to give his/her name to a character in Daughter of Blood: The Wall of Night, Book Three.
But maybe you all feel giveaways and name/character competitions are old hat? In which case I shall of course bow to the collective will and not do either! (But you had better post and let me know either way.)
AND there’s going to be a Blog Tour, also starting on the 27th: I shall post the schedule for that here, too, in the next day or so.
And we might just get in one more book extract before release day …
Sounds like a lot of fun is going to be happening 🙂
It sure is, Jacqui. And if you’re keen on coming to the realtime launch, drop me a line through my webmail!
They sound like awesome plans to me! You can never have too many giveaways, LOL 😀 I can’t believe it’s so close to the launch! That seems to have gone by incredibly fast! We’ll be on to book three before we know it (can’t wait!)
Am glad it seems fast to you, Wen! And yay to giveaways then, ‘at your command’ …
It sounds like a lot of fun – and Christchurch so deserves more parties!
Gillian, Christchurch “absolutely” needs more parties! “Polack is Right!”
Fantastic, blog launch sounds great for folks outside of NZ, very cool. Looking forward to the release date, counting down!
Thank you, Ashley. We will try and throw one heck of a blog party just for all the overseas supporters!
You must mean Tuesday 3 April at the University Bookshop ?
So wish I could attend but it is just too far to travel. Hope the launch goes well.
I believe I do mean April 3 (will correct that!) And I wish you and Simon could both be here, but it would be quite a step. Maybe I’ll be able to do something for Bk 3 in Wellington as well–you never know!