Gnarly — But “Knocked Off”, Another Piece Of Wall 3
Today I am happy, because yesterday I finally “knocked off”* a particularly gnarly section of Daughter Of Blood (The Wall Of Night, Book Three – but y’all know the drill!)
To give you an idea of why I call it gnarly, here’s the stats for this section:
Version 1: 22,000 words
Version 2: 35,000 words
Version 3: 28,000 words
Version 4: 24,000 words — & done!
Obviously there’s a bit of overlap between versions, but still — I bet you’d be glad, too, to get to those final 24,000 words & be able to say ‘done.’
And now, onwards to a great big ‘done’ on the entire book! 🙂
* “Knocked off” — references Sir Edmund Hillary’s words to George Lowe (no relation, as far as I know) on first climbing Mt Everest: “Well, we knocked the bastard off!”
*much wiping of brow*.. and maybe a well deserved wine or two over the weekend?
Ye-es, although the next part is immediately demanding my attention unfortunately, so there is no rest for the wicked… 😉
Well done! By now I know that alarming feeling when you realize your manuscript has suddenly expanded beyond your original designs for it…
Trying to “contain” WALL3 has certainly been a cause of considerable gnarliness, it has to be said, and that’s sticking with the original envisaged arc.