A Geography Of Haarth: Sea Keep
The A Geography of Haarth post series is traversing the full range of locales and places from The Wall of Night world of Haarth. Each locale is accompanied by a quote from either The Heir Of Night, The Gathering Of The Lost, or both.
This week, it’s onwards into “S.” (And slowly, inexorably, closing on “Z.”)
Sea Keep: stronghold of the Derai Alliance’s Sea House
‘Even so, there were stories… Kalan had heard that there were weather workers in the Sea Keep who paced its walls in savage weather, their physical forms fraying into the elements. Behavior like that drew attention, but it might be possible for those with lesser powers to survive undetected, even amongst other Derai.’
~ from © The Heir Of Night, The Wall of Night Book One: Chapter 3 — Whispers in the Dark
‘He paused, glancing toward the upstairs voices. “If I leave tonight I should catch up with the heralds. I can ride with them to Port Farewell and take ship for Grayharbor, then find another there to reach the Sea Keep. But I need to say good-bye to the others first, and see Jarn.” He took the gauntlets from his belt, but did not put them on. “I will meet you back here afterward and we can settle any other plans before I leave.” ‘
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost, The Wall of Night Book Two: Chapter 51 — Reports From The Wall