“Because” Daughter Of Blood
Yup, that’s right folks, no “proper” post today “because” of Daughter Of Blood — The Wall Of Night Book Three, yadda, yadda…But y’all know that bit already, right.
So I hope you’ll be right on board with my saying that rather than trying to think of something fun/interesting/insightful to post I’m spending the time putting the final tweaks to the Daughter manuscript. And if I’m really lucky, I’ll be able to come back to you later today to tell you that the tweaks are all present and correct and the edit is done: oh blessed words.
After that (somewhen) I also hope to post some more about some of the hows and whys and wrinkles in the process — although there’s also the risk that once it’s done I won’t want to talk about it at all!
But let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, onwards with with the tweaking. 😉
Hey “Go you” .. great news, and looking forward to the finished product (as I suspect are you LOL)
Best wishes
Thanks, Robin. And yes, you do suspect absolutely correctly! 😉