Double the Drum Roll—Because There’s A Giveaway!
Yup—not only have the new-look US covers for The Wall Of Night series been released today in an exclusive SF Signal feature but—doubling that drum roll here!—there’s Also a Giveaway!
Not Daughter Of Blood yet (I am proofing that even as we speak!) but there are 5 x sets of The Heir OF Night and The Gathering Of The Lost up for grabs.
So if you haven’t already got The Heir OF Night and The Gathering Of The Lost, or your old books are looking a tad tatty, here’s your opportunity to win yourselves some pristine new copies. 😉 (I apologise though to antipodean and international readers: this giveaway is US only.)
But don’t forget there’s still the feature post from earlier in the day, which includes both the new-look cover feature and a behind-the-scenes look at the book cover creation process from both the author (that’s me!) and the editor’s (that’s Kate) perspective.
So for the giveaway, click here:
GIVEAWAY (US/Canada Only): Win Copies of THE HEIR OF NIGHT and THE GATHERING OF THE LOST by Helen Lowe!
And yes—these are the now old US covers. To check out the brave new look for the series and read all about what Kate and I have to say, your destination is right here:
[EXCLUSIVE] Making Covers New: Creating An Epic Look For Helen Lowe’s THE WALL OF NIGHT Series
And hey—enjoy!
Prize drawing is on my birthday … hint, hint.
Although, I’m probably going to buy them all again with the nifty new jackets, too.
Fingers crossed for your birthday, Kristen, although the giveaway is totally in SF Signal’s hands this time around.:)