About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players in “The Wall Of Night” Series — Nerys
With the Prologue to Daughter of Blood now unveiled on SF Signal, publication day is beginning to feel close — and that makes it even more fun to spend some time with characters from The Wall Of Night series, in the same way I featured worldbuilding in A Geography Of Haarth.
I’ve been focusing on minor players for now, because: “I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
Today’s character is Nerys, who is Garan’s watch-partner and shield-comrade, so much that it was hard to find a quote that did not feature them both. I managed it in the end for The Heir of Night, but not, alas, for The Gathering of the Lost!
Nerys: an honor guard, serving the House of Night
“He stepped back and Nerys—Nerys the silent, Nerys the reserved—stepped forward to take his place. One by one the other warriors followed, drawing their daggers and swearing the same oath, even dour Kyr and the sergeant, Sarus”
~ from © The Heir Of Night: The Wall of Night Book One, Chapter 14 — The Black Spear
“The rat-fox bark came again, followed by the brief twitter of a disturbed bird: Ter or Lawr letting them know that a small company of riders was approaching. Garan looked to Nerys and saw that she already had her bow ready … “
~ from © The Gathering of the Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two, Chapter 28 — Border Crossing