Just Arrived: “The Kingdom of Gods” by NK Jemisin and “Oracle’s Fire” by Mary Victoria
By some fortuitous alchemy the two books in the title arrived at the same time, and both are the third and final books in their respective series—NK Jemisin’s Inheritance trilogy and Mary Victoria’s Chronicles of the Tree. But there is more: the first in each series, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and Tymon’s Flight respectively, were nominated for Gemmell Awards this year—both in the Morningstar category for “Best Fantasy Newcomer/Debut.”
At any rate, I am very excited to have the final book in both these series finally in my hands and am looking forward to some quality reading time—on the sofa of course 😉 —in the near future.
Now let’s see what the back covers say …
Oracle’s Fire
“The Tree is all the world. And that world is dying …
After Samiha is thrown from the docks in Argos city, Tymon is condemned to a life of slavery in a Tree mine. During his ordeals, he glimpses a vision of his love and becomes obsessed by the thought that she is alive. When disaster strikes … he is left wandering the tunnels at the heart of the Tree, clinging to the hope that he might find her once again.
Meanwhile, the Saint’s crusade is tearing the Four Canopies apart, and Lace and his Masters pursue their own deadly palns. Even as Tymon travels deep into the Tree, the Envoy’s acolytes are sent out on a mission to Lacuna, the legendary world below … “
The cover art is by Frank Victoria.
The official launch party for Oracle’s Fire is 23 October, 12 noon at the Weta Cave in Wellington.
The Kingdom of Gods
“Gods and mortals. Power and love. Death and revenge. She will destroy them all.
For two thousand years the Arameri family has ruled the world by enslaving the very gods that created mortalkind. Now the gods are free and the Arameri’s ruthless grip is slipping. Yet they are all that stands between peace and unending war.
Shahar, last scion of the Arameri family, must choose her loyalties. She yearns to trust Sieh, the godling she loves. Yet her duty as heir is to uphold the family’s interests, even if that means destroying everyone she cares for.
As terrible new magics consume the world, the Maelstrom — which even gods fear — is summoned forth. Can Shahar and Sieh, mortal and god, stand together against the chaos threatening the kingdom of gods?”
The cover art is by Cliff Nielsen
And did you notice—both synopses centre as much around love and relationship as conflict? I can see that I have some interesting reading ahead!
How about you? What are you reading or recommending right now?
Reading Blood Rights: House of Comarre Book1 by Kristen Painter.
A fresh approach to the vampire story ad compelling reading. The cover art is by Nekro and fantastic.
Orbit has a link to download the wallpaper – http://www.orbitbooks.net/2011/10/05/wallpapers-for-blood-rights-by-kristen-painter/
Looking forward to starting the next in the series: Flesh and Blood.
Jan, I have been interested in this book for a while, although a little put off by he fact that it’s another vampire tale. But your recommendation has sharpened my interest—and I agree with you totally about the cover art! I have been admiring it for quite some time in the cover features done on the Orbit blog.
Have just finished The Devil You Know (Book 1, Felix Castor novels) by Mike Carey. Felix Castor is a freelance exorcist hired to remove a ghost from a London archives. In the process of doing so he discovers that all is not as it seems. A mix of occult and mystery.
Have also recently finished Anno Dracula by Kim Newman. Originally published in 1992 and has been re-published in 2011. An alternate history combining elements of horror, romance and mystery. Contains familiar characters from Victoria history and fiction. The main characters are the vampire Genevieve Dieudonne and Charles Beauregard of the Diogenes Club who are trying to solve the mystery of the Ripper murders.
Both are totally awesome books.
Jennifer, these both sound like great reads–I like the sound of the mix of mystery/thriller with paranormal/Fantasy—you have got me all keen to read them now!