The 10 Most-Read Posts of 2022
I had hoped to get the “ten most-read posts” roundup to you before the old year rolled over into the new, but it was not to be. However, 2023 is still very young, so ’tis not (I feel!) too late to share them now. I do hope you agree! 😀
Last year, the posts grouped reasonably neatly into four themes, but 2022 was more diverse in terms of what you, as readers, were focused upon — with one exception.
Once I began my review, it very quickly became apparent that the one subject you were vitally interested in was progress updates for The Wall of Night #4, with the top three spots going to my updates of:
In terms of the other seven posts, two book reviews got your attention:
- February 28: The Shipping News by Annie Proulx; and
- July 18: Maus by Art Spiegelman
You also showed some interest in the Daughter of Blood Q&A series, which I refeatured this year:
- March 31: Phoebe’s Question (on Narrative Planning)
- October 6: Robin’s Question (on Tuckerization)
The final two posts of the “Most-Read” ten, both fell in May:
- May 9: “It’s A Truth Universally Acknowledged…” — a post pertaining to the direct correlation between the numbers of point-of-view characters and settings in a book, and its length.
Last but very far from least:
Those of you who visit here regularly will know that I number several of Ms McKillip’s books among my all-time favourites, and consider myself greatly influenced by her writing. Putting together a personal tribute was a big deal for me, so I was very glad to see that it struck a chord.
And now onward, into 2023: may it deal kindly with us all!
Happy New year and I hope it will be a wonderful one for us all.
Thanks, Jacqui — all digits pretzelled here for the year!
Happy New Year. I hope summer is going well for you !
Thanks, June: Happy New Year to you, too. 🙂
I worked through the break, except for a couple of days after New Year’s Day, but I have been enjoying the dry sunny weather here, especially as so far it has not been too hot!